It is my favourite time of year here! The garden is just full of blossom, the swallows are back and building nests as if there is a real rush to get the job done! The daylight goes on well into the very late evening and the wildlife makes the most of it. Our animals are all enjoying life – Gareth and Homer the Swiss Valais Black Nose sheep had a haircut last week and we are looking forward to a first here – the Alpacas will be getting sheared the second week in June – we are very excited to see that happening and hopefully will have some nice fleece to use. Looking forward to seeing them sheared as Snow Patrol could deifnatley do with a bit of s scrub! If you are staying with us then you will be able to watch.
The start of this year was busy busy getting the Wee Tree Howf finished and we were wedding planning! The Wee Tree Howf, I think, is the best yet! Ian and Lewis did a fabulous and very quirky job on it! Upstairs the bedroom has such a special feel to it, Robinson Crusoe would approve! Hayley our daughter was married to Matt, here in the field in a tippee at the end of April. It was really special to finally have the wedding here which like so many was delayed by a year.
It was all hands on deck to get it ready but once done the tippee looked great.
Ra Ra the little grey fergie tractor played a part in it and Haggis made sure to get into as many photos as he could! The photographers were great and am hoping we will have some professional photos to share soon but in the meantime here are a couple of fun ones!